Data Policy

At SpeedInSite we collect only the least data necessary to provide a useful service to you. We have no interest in gathering data and knowledge beyond the sheer use case of helping you understand the performance of your website and how to improve it. As a Page Visitor When you visit a website that uses SpeedInSite, we handle the following data: - we store your email address, which is your unique identifier also needed for login - your password is stored in a hashed form - your name is stored for putting it on the receipt - temporarily we receive your IP address, but do not process them further For optimizing our service and understand the user journey better, we use the GDPR compliant analytics tool This site is served from servers on, which is a GDPR compliant hosting provider, located in Germany. As Account Holder We store one cookie in your browser to keep you logged in. Where SpeedInSite is Embedded To gather page speed insights we use a small JavaScript snippet that is embedded in the website. This snippet does NOT use any cookies, it receives the domain of the website and this way it knows which website to store the data for. When you visit a website that uses SpeedInSite, we collect the following data: - the URL of the page you are visiting - the time it took to load the page - the performance data we store are a subset of PerformanceEntry instances - the URLs of the resources loaded on the page (the `name` attribute of the PerformanceEntry) - the time it took to load each resource - the size, type, protocol, cache status, response status, and more details of each resource Not yet, but planned: - we use the IP address to determine the country and city of the visitor, only the latter will be stored